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Rent BC


BC's original online rental database - For over 25 years


Find a Place

We're Back!

Five years have passed since Rent BC was acquired by another company, with the intention of enhancing and promoting the platform beyond its original state. Recognized by most of our clientele, Rent BC held the distinction of being Canada's inaugural online rental website, tracing back to the era of dial-up internet. Its inception aimed to provide landlords and tenants a superior alternative to newspaper advertisements for effective rental marketing and search.

Regrettably, contrary to our expectations, the website was integrated into their own platform rather than being maintained as the independent entity initially agreed upon. The sale of led us to inadvertently enter into non-compete and non-disclosure agreements within Canada, spanning a duration of five years.

Now that this five-year period has concluded, we are thrilled to embark on the journey of reconstruction. Our goal remains steadfast: to assist residents of British Columbia in discovering rentals through an improved avenue.


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