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LISTINGS APPEARING ON THIS SITE ARE NOT ENDORSED OR GUARANTEED BY ROYAL ROADS UNIVERSITY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR CHOICE OF LANDLORD AND RENTAL UNIT. (RentBC), the operator of the site, mandates that Landlords provide information in a truthful and equitable manner. However, the site operator lacks the capacity to independently confirm the accuracy of details within listings.

It's important to note that RentBC cannot and does not warrant the integrity or precision of information published on the site by third parties. The inclusion of a property on this website should not be construed as an endorsement or authorization by RentBC for the landlord, their properties, or their business practices. Furthermore, this inclusion does not serve as a guarantee of the property's compliance with building codes, safety regulations, fire codes, cleanliness, safety, or suitability for your purposes. Prior to entering a lease agreement, it's your responsibility to thoroughly research the property, the landlord, and the landlord's property manager.

Additionally, you must ensure you understand your rights and obligations as a tenant. Any issues arising with your rental unit or disputes with your landlord are beyond the scope of RentBC's responsibility. We strongly advise all potential tenants to apply sound judgment and prudent evaluation when assessing potential rental units and landlords. Exercise caution and refrain from sending security deposits or rent to the landlord until you have verified the authenticity of the property and all involved parties.